
Canon Camera

Image Brand Canon Model Name Canon PowerShot SX540 Shooting Modes M Av Tv P Live View Control Hybrid Auto Auto Creative Shot1 Sports Portrait Smart Shutter2 Handheld Night Scene Low Light Fish-eye Effect Miniature Effect Toy Camera Effect Soft Focus Monochrome Super Vivid Poster Effect Fireworks Standard \(Movie\) Short Cl M Av Tv P Live View Control Hybrid Auto Auto Creative Shot1 Sports Portrait Smart Shutter2 Handheld Night Scene Low Light Fish-eye Effect…   See more Color Black Lens Type Macro about this item Powerful 50x optical zoom with optical image stabilizer for outstanding optical performance 20.3 Megapixel CMOS sensor with DIGIC 6 Image Processor helps deliver stunning image quality even in low light Built-in Wi-Fi and NFC allows for easy sharing and transferring of images and videos. Canon High Power Flash HF-DC2 Capture spectacular 1080p Full HD video at 60p with stereo sound Zoom framing assist now features a lock button option for quick and accurate

New Earth-sized planet

  New Earth-sized planet found in habitable sweet-spot orbit around a distant star Researchers have  discovered a new Earth-sized planet   orbiting a star outside our solar system. The planet, called Kepler-1649c, is only around 1.06 times larger than Earth, making it very similar to our own planet in terms of physical dimensions. It’s also quite close to its star, orbiting at a distance that means it gets around 75% of the light we do from the Sun. The planet’s star is a red dwarf, which is more prone to the kind of flares that might make it difficult for life to have evolved on its rocky satellite’s surface, unlike here in our own neighborhood. It orbits so closely to its star, too, that one year is just 19.5 of our days — but the star puts out significantly less heat than the Sun, so that’s actually right in the proper region to allow for the presence of liquid water. Kepler-1649c was found by scientists digging into existing observations gathered by the Kepler space telescope befor

Understanding the basics of cloud computing

  Understanding the basics of cloud computing Cloud computing is taking the world by storm. In fact, 94% of workloads and compute instances will be  processed through cloud data centers  by 2021, compared to only 6% by traditional data centers, according to research by Cisco. The principle of the cloud isn’t new, but as more and more companies and businesses switch to cloud-based services, it’s important to understand the nuances of cloud computing terminology and concepts. What is the cloud? For non-techies out there, the cloud might be an intimidating and nebulous concept. We hear about cloud computing all the time, but what exactly does it mean? The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) describes the  basics of cloud computing  this way: Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisio

قصة النبي يونس عليه السلام

  قوم يونس   قيل في نسب يونس عليه السلام: إنّه يونس بن متّى، ثمّ يتصل نسبه بنسل بنيامين شقيق يوسف عليه السلام، بُعث يونس -عليه السلام- إلى نينوى، في العراق، إلى قومٍ انتشر الشرك بينهم؛ فكانوا يعبدون الأصنام، فأوحى إليهم يونس وأرشدهم إلى عبادة الله وحده لا شريك له، إلا أنّهم كذّبوه، وكفروا برسالته، وأصرّوا على عبادة أصنامهم وأوثانهم، وكان من بينها صنم أكبر يُدعى: عشتار، وقد قيل: إنّ دعوة يونس -عليه السلام- لقومه استمرت ثلاثاً وثلاثين سنة، إلّا أنّه لم يؤمن معه سوى رجلين، ولذلك شعر يونس -عليه السلام- باليأس من قومه، فتركهم وخرج من بلدتهم.[١] خرج يونس -عليه السلام- من نينوى، وظنّ أنّ الله -تعالى- لن يؤاخذه بهذا الخروج؛ لأنّه قدّم كلّ ما عليه في سبيل دعوة قومه، ولم يستجب أحد، وحين خرج بدأ يحلّ على قومه بوادر العذاب الذي توعّدهم فيه، فهلّت السُّحب السوداء، وغشيهم دخانها، واسودّت سطوحهم، فأيقن القوم أنّ عذاب الله -تعالى- آتٍ لا مفرّ منه، فخافوا ووجِلوا، وبحثوا عن يونس عليه السلام؛ ليهديهم طريقة التوبة والإنابة فلم يجدوه، فأتوا رجلاً شيخاً فسألوه عمّا يجب فعله، فأرشدهم إلى طريق التوبة إلى ال

Does the Sun tempreture prevent the Covid19 disease ?

Exposing yourself to the sun or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees DOES NOT prevent the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) You can catch COVID-19, no matter how sunny or hot the weather is. Countries with hot weather have reported cases of COVID-19. To protect yourself, make sure you clean your hands frequently and thoroughly and avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.  

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is caused by a virus. NOT by bacteria.

FACT: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is caused by a virus. NOT by bacteria. The virus that causes COVID-19 is in a family of viruses called Coronaviridae. Antibiotics do not work against viruses. Some people who become ill with COVID-19 can also develop a bacterial infection as a complication. In this case, antibiotics may be recommended by a health care provider. There is currently no licensed medication to cure COVID-19. If you have symptoms, call your health care provider or COVID-19 hotline for assistance.

Can shoes spread the COVID-19 virus?

Can shoes spread the COVID-19 virus? The likelihood of COVID-19 being spread on shoes and infecting individuals is very low. As a precautionary measure, particularly in homes where infants and small children crawl or play on floors, consider leaving your shoes at the entrance of your home. This will help prevent contact with dirt or any waste  that could be carried on the soles of shoes.